large jeeps logo copyJust Jeeps & More now specializes in servicing all domestic vehicles along with Japanese Cars and Trucks. Our technicians are experienced and factory trained to repair your vehicle right the first time. We specialize in preventive maintenance like 30, 60, 90, 120k services, timing belts and brakes.  Just Jeeps & More sells and installs Jasper Engines and transmissions with their legendary 3 year 100.000 mile nationwide warranty. Our services range from a simple oil change to complete engine or drive train replacements. Give us a call for all of your vehicle needs.Services include: Drive Axle Transfer case repair and rebuilding Major services – 30K, 60K, 90K Check Engine Light Diagnosis Cooling System most vehicles Tune ups Exhaust, and manifolds Air Conditioning/Heating Engine Replacement Suspension and shocks Fluid Changes Electrical repairs Fuel system diagnosis and repair Transmission service and repair Belts/Hoses Timing belts Headlamp Restoration Brake replacement

Drive Axle/Transfer Case Major services
30K, 60K, 90K
Check Engine Light Diagnosis
Cooling System Exhaust Air Conditioning/Heating
Engine Replacement Suspension Fluid Changes
Transmission Belts/Hoses Electrical
Tune-Ups Brakes Fuel System Repair
Alignment Lift Kit sales and  installation  Tires and Wheels
Interior electrical